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With “Takakoism”, we are inventing production methods which have never existed previously.
One of our management principles is “perpetual challenge”.
Without intense focus on production methods and innovation, there is no growth and we can't succeed on a global basis. Therefore, we must continually work on this. This way of thinking is “Takakoism”.
We have the largest market share in the world on internal components for the hydraulic piston pump applications.
As Takako's founder often says; there are only two ways to be No.1 in the world: One way is to produce something that has never existed and to supply this product to the world, and the other way is to produce a product with a production method that never existed and supply this to the global market. The Takako group is doing the latter. Our company was the first in the world to mass produce component parts for axial piston pumps to be provided to the Original Equipment Manufacturer. I believe that Takako succeeds where other companies don't because of its innovative production methods.
Takako has a department on production method development and this group aggressively challenges new production techniques. This is Takako's significance of existence and leads to our technological competence as the No.1 worldwide in the field where high dimensional accuracy is demanded.
We would like to be a company which directly contributes to the quality of human life
In order for Takako to be recognized as a world class supplier, we must be successful in making significant contributions to society. Without such contributions a company won't be able to survive. Although we are proud that we have contributed to the spread of construction and industrial machinery by our achievement of a mass production of axial piston pump components, from now on, I think we need to grow the company in a manner that will impact the quality of human life more directly.
As an example, in the past our customers have purchased our products for their dimensional accuracy alone. From this point on, we would like to promote the performance of our products as well as the impact they have on society and therefore create the opportunity for new business fields. As a result of this philosophy, products and processes have been developed at Takako relating to hydraulic piston pump applications. Specifically, a line of Small Axial Piston Pumps, are under development. This product line will occupy a significant portion of Takako's future product focus.
Small Axial Piston Pumps fill a need in the nursing care market. It is known, nursing care is a very heavy work. By adapting the Small Axial Piston Pump to fit onto a human arm, a nurse will be able to lift a person easily through the benefit of hydraulic advantage. The Small Axial Piston Pump is small, but can generate such a huge amount of power. Also, there is the issue of a reduction in the number of available workers in the future because of fewer children being born today. Today's robot industry is focusing on this issue and how to overcome the need. Takako is receiving many inquiries from this market as they see the many benefits and applications of the Small Axial Piston Pump line of products. By promoting not only the part's accuracy, but also its performance, our technology and products directly contribute to the quality human life and become a means for resolving issues.
To contribute to society in this manner is one of Takako's future goals.
Additionally, since a Small Axial Piston Pump can be used as a motor, it can drive an electric generator by the back flowing of oil. This type of application will help Takako technology contribute to energy-saving and space-saving fields in the future.
Improve production efficiency for our customers

Our company is continually improving production efficiencies resulting in a benefit not just to Takako, but also to each of our customers.
We are working on 4 items.
The 1st item is “production method development”. The concept is to reduce cost and energy by shortening the cycle time of the machine process for each piece.
The 2nd item is “single piece flow production”. As an example: 10 machines typically are used for 10 production processes. Our company is producing each piece in a one flow operation by combining machines. By doing this, we will save manufacturing cost and inventory cost, reducing the overall part costs.
The 3rd item is “optimum production”. Takako has customers worldwide and it's a waste of time and cost if we manufacture product a long distance from the customer's production site. Each of Takako' factories have distinct advantages. The plan is to review each component part and determine the optimum manufacturing location.
The 4th item is “optimum procurement”. Once the manufacturing location is determined, the plan is to thoroughly consider purchasing raw material, manufacturing supplies and etc, locally.